Use the KPS if you are purchasing the following alone:
- WKP-P, F310, Estate Swing 433 Keypad, 377LM, GKP1, 976LM, US Automatic Keypad, PRX-320, GC-1000pad, RB101, GC1000pushbutton, T10E
Use the LKP if you are purchasing the following alone:
- Estate Swing GC-KP, F3100 MBC, EASY-BKA, KPW5LM, RE-1, RE-2, AE-500, AE-100, MDKP, AK-1, AKR-1, Millennium, 229 Push Button, EST-1000, Estate Swing color wireless video intercom, Aiphone, TAC1, Comelit, Carin, any intercom by itself
Use the DWKPS if you are purchasing any combination of an intercom and a keypad.
Face Plate for KPS: 2"x6" - no pre-drilled hole
Face Plate for LKP: 4"x4" - no pre-drilled hole
Face Plate for DWKPS: 6"x9" - no pre-drilled hole
Height: 5' tall (After installation of 1' in ground - 4' tall)
Clearance: 9" from face of plate to inside face of post
| has actual experience. We have a testing area, we have factory and internal training courses, we build gates and have our own gates that are automated, we attended all industry trade shows in multiple countries and are a member of the AFA, and we pay visits to our chosen manufacturers' factories. All these factors are what have lead to us having so many exclusive additions. When you see and actually use as many products as we have you tend to have many ideas for minor changes that have major impacts. We acted on these ideas and have utilized them to help thousands of customers automate their gates.