Estate Swing Original Low Impact Automatic Gate Lock

Estate Swing Original Low Impact Automatic Gate Lock

Sale Price: $149.00
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  •    Accessory Compatibilities Top of Page

    The Estate Swing Original Low Impact Automatic Gate Lock is compatible with: All swing gate openers. offers more expert assistance than anyone. We have live application specialists available 9am - 9 pm EST 7 days a week.

       Accessory Uses Top of Page

    In the world of automatic gate openers, a common new feature you’ll see is as a gate closes it slows down for the last few feet instead of banging shut. This reduces the banging noise as well as takes stress off the physical components of the gate and gate opener.

    One problem with this feature is the lack of momentum as the gate closes reduces the amount of weight hitting the lock to below the weight needed for the gate to fully close and lock. Instead, the gate latches rest on top of each other without fully locking, leaving your gate unprotected against forced entry and wind.

    What separates the Estate Swing lock from the rest of the competition is that it requires less than 1 pound of weight for the gate to lock. Other locks require approximately 5 pounds of weight, which is no longer generated from the momentum of the gate because of the slow down feature.

    Another benefit of the Estate Swing lock is the unique pivot design reduces power consumption. The older model locks require 3 amps to pull the latch open because they pull back on a direct linear path. The Estate Swing lock requires less than 1 amp because it works on a swivel, making the pulling action much easier.

    The reduction in power required for the lock means less strain is put on the system as a whole as power is distributed through the motor and control board. Since less power is then required from the system, you can reliably active and run the motor, power accessories, get a longer life span from battery systems, and will not stress the circuitry of the control board of the gate opener.

    The best features of the new Estate Swing Lock, however, are that it is compatible with all of our gate opener models here at and it comes with a 2yr warranty! is the DIY factor. further adds to most of our gate openers for easier DIY installation. We have developed exclusive components (example: easy adjustable mounting brackets), customized instructions, and offer a full spectrum of accessories to truly cover all aspects of the installation of your gate opener. In addition we have the largest staff of factory trained technicians in the US.

       Accessory Features Top of Page

  • Consistant Locking: Requiring only 1lb of force, your gate is sure to lock every time it closes.
  • Compatiblility: Compatible with any gate opener from
  • 2yr Warranty:The longest warranty for any solenoid gate lock.
  • has the resources you need. How do you use your gate opener system once you get it? is the only retailer to give a real answer to this question. We have develop videos for installing many of our gate openers and products and write DIY focused manuals for most gate openers and have individual instructions for each accessory to be installed with each gate opener.

       Words from Senior Application Engineer, Anthony Gaeto Top of Page

    “The are multiple type of driveway gate locks available on the market today. The main two types of gate locks are solenoid locks and electromagnetic locks. Each type of gate lock has it advantages and disadvantages.

    Before we discuss gate locks, I’d like to go over pin locks. These locks are made to lock your gate opener to the post or to your gate so that it helps prevent theft of your gate opener. These are simple devices that fit into the mounting locations on your gate opener, in place of the bolts that are provided in your gate opener kit.

    Now let us talk about gate locking devices. The most popular type of gate locking device is the solenoid gate lock. All of these locks come with a control board and adequate an amount of wire needed to connect the gate lock to either the control board or to the master control board of your gate opener. These locks do not come with mounting hardware as each application will be unique to your gate.

    We carry 3 brands of solenoid gate locks. The Estate Swing gate lock and Gate Crafters gate lock are essentially the same unit.

    The GTO/PRO lock features a different type of locking tab when compared to the Estate Swing and Gate Crafters locks. The GTO/PRO locking tab has to slide back inside the unit, and this requires about 5 pounds of force to accomplish. One downside of this gate lock is that in heavy wind conditions the pin may become trapped behind the tab. Also if your gate opener has a soft stop feature, it needs to be disabled as there will not be enough force to latch the gate.

    The Estate Swing and Gate Crafters lock feature a rolling type latch that takes minimal force to operate. The locking tab folds back into the unit and allow for easy locking and unlocking. In high wind conditions this lock will function the way it was intended, as the locking tab has a smooth back.

    GTO/PRO also has a push to open/ open position gate lock. This is the exact same lock as the regular GTO/PRO gate lock, but it is made to either lock your gate in the open position or to be used as a push to open gate lock. To use this lock as a push to open gate lock, you will need to plan ahead with the installation however.

    Gate Crafters also sells an electromagnetic gate lock. This gate lock is not compatible with solar gate opener because it is constantly drawing power. Also it the gate lock’s wire is cut, it will essentially turn this gate lock into a brick. This is due to the fact that this lock needs a constant source of electricity to function. This gate lock is ideal for high wind areas where you do not want to worry about your gate hanging up on your lock.

    Please visit our FAQ page on our website for any additional questions regarding gate locks. If you do not see your question on our FAQ page please email me and I will quickly answer your question. is your one stop shop for gates, gate openers, and gate accessories. We have technical support 7 days a week from 9 am to 9 pm, eastern time. Please give us a call, send us a email, or use the live chat on our website, so our experts can help you find the right accessories for your gate and gate opener.”

       Accessory Options Top of Page

    Item has one version. has actual experience. We have a testing area, we have factory and internal training courses, we build gates and have our own gates that are automated, we attended all industry trade shows in multiple countries and are a member of the AFA, and we pay visits to our chosen manufacturers' factories. All these factors are what have lead to us having so many exclusive additions. When you see and actually use as many products as we have you tend to have many ideas for minor changes that have major impacts. We acted on these ideas and have utilized them to help thousands of customers automate their gates.

       Product Media Top of Page

    Manual: Estate Swing Automatic Gate Lock Manual
    QB ID: ESGL2.0

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